Microbiota: an intelligent ecosystem


  • Maria Florencia Martínez ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • María Alejandra Piegari Feliú ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • María Celeste Di Matteo ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Lucrecia Tellería Romina ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Solange Edelman ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Marina Procchio ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • María Lertora ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Lucas Ponti ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Verónica Tosi ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina




microbiota, microbioma, dysbiosis, skin gut axis


Microbiota is the set of microorganisms that inhabit the human body, it varies in each individual and it is essential for the functioning of the immune system and the maintenance of health. It is determined by multiple factors and if an imbalance is generated, it can produce a proinflammatory status that can lead to the development of systemic diseases, including skin diseases. The study of microbiota seems to be a promising field to finally understand the pathophysiology of many entities and the use of pro, pre and synbiotics is still under study and could generate new therapeutic modalities.

Author Biographies

Maria Florencia Martínez, ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology and Pediatric Dermatology

María Alejandra Piegari Feliú, ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology

María Celeste Di Matteo, ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology

Lucrecia Tellería Romina, ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology and Pediatric Dermatology

Solange Edelman, ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology and Pediatric Dermatology

Marina Procchio, ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology

María Lertora, ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology

Lucas Ponti, ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology and Pediatric Dermatology Medical director

Verónica Tosi, ACNEBA Dermatological Center, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Medical Specialist in Dermatology and Pediatric Dermatology. Medical Director


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