Basaloid follicular hamartoma with unilateral linear mucous and skin lesions


  • Hugo N. Cabrera Prof. Dr. Alejandro Posadas National Hospital, El Palomar, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Patricia Della Giovanna Prof. Dr. Alejandro Posadas National Hospital,Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Sandra García Prof. Dr. Alejandro Posadas National Hospital,Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Karina V. Nadur Faculty of Medicine, Buenos Aires' University, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina


basaloid follicular hamartoma


Basaloid follicular hamartoma is a rare bening malformation which may be clinically and histopathologically confused with basal cell carcinoma. Malignancy can occur, thus it is important to recognize it. We present a patient with a unilateral linear lesion clinically following Blashko lines, with an alopecic scalp plaque and ipsilateral oral lesions; this association was not previously reported in the consulted literature (Dermatol. Argent., 2013, 19(2): 100-105).

Author Biographies

Hugo N. Cabrera, Prof. Dr. Alejandro Posadas National Hospital, El Palomar, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Consulting Professor, Dermatology Service

Patricia Della Giovanna, Prof. Dr. Alejandro Posadas National Hospital,Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dermatology Service Physician

Sandra García, Prof. Dr. Alejandro Posadas National Hospital,Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Head of the Pathological Anatomy Section

Karina V. Nadur, Faculty of Medicine, Buenos Aires' University, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Doctor of the Medical Specialist in Dermatology career, UBA


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